orangutan the sun uk

Jungle king finds a friend

The-Sun.co.uk Published: 1:07PM GMT 05 Dec 2008

Jungle king finds a friend
Cute ... Rishi and Emily

A CHILD and a lonely orangutan have struck up an unlikely friendship - after spending time MONKEYING around.

Two-year-old Emily Bland met her mate when dad Barry took her to The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species in Miami, Florida.

Rishi the orangutan was born at the Jungle Island animal sanctuary in Miami just over a year ago. But he was rejected by the males in his group.

Photographer Barry heard what had happened and wanted to take pictures of him.

The doting dad took Emily along and when Rishi met the tot the two pals struck it off straight away.

Let's hope she doesn't get so attached she starts to APE his behaviour.

Emily and Orangutan      Kiss orangutan